Some sketches of a brooding French-Canadian college hockey captain! My friend Rachel was jonesing for some.
From a year ago, extra-droopy-eyed Jack. And yes, all the keys to the Haus look like that.
Some sketches of a brooding French-Canadian college hockey captain! My friend Rachel was jonesing for some.
From a year ago, extra-droopy-eyed Jack. And yes, all the keys to the Haus look like that.
Kent Parson related sketches from twitter.
A message from sharkshinobi
if your still doing requests could you draw bitty if he was really buff?
dreamedofyou replied to your post: It’s the new year and I’m watching the…
Am I allowed to request Parse (since he hasn’t appeared in the actual comic yet)? If so, I’d love to see Parse chirp Jack. :P
Parse doing the NHL media robot thing at some western conference outdoor exhibition game. But not chirping Jack because his entire existence is just subtle chirping.
A message from mazwendling
One gif to describe this comic.
A message from robobelle
jack in a flower crown, please and thank you!!!
Flower crowns interfere with hockey preparation.
vortexofbecoming replied to your post: It’s the new year and I’m watching the…
Lardo working on her latest art project!
“I said one shark, Chowder.”
“I know! I know!….Aw man.”
pomegranateprincette replied to your post: It’s the new year and I’m watching the…
lardo w/ headphones? pretty please?
When you’re stuck on a bus for 6 hours with a bunch of hockey players you have to carve out time for yourself. (Because Holster and Ransom’s weird brain-sharing d-man language / Bitty introducing Jack to Sia / whatever ridic frog fiasco is happening three rows back IS A LOT OF NOISE. Also, Shitty’s great but he is able to talk an entire hour without stopping to breathe thank goodness he’s going to be a lawyer one day.)
A - Bitty’s room
B - Bitty’s closet
C - Storage
D - The Samwell Men’s Hockey Reading Room (The Roof)
E - Jack’s room
F - Jack and Shitty’s bathroom
G - Shitty’s room
H - Stairs to the attic
I - Rans/Holster/Bitty’s bathroom
J - Stairs to 1st floor
Each of their rooms definitely has more stuff (like chairs! random clothes!–I may do a more detailed diagram of both floors). I drew this before I had the design of Bitty’s room finalized, so you can see that he actually sleeps with his pillows on the other side of his bed so Señor Bunny can make cameos on hisvlog.
You can see that Comic 1.22 - Goodbye for the Summer took place in the hallway. (See the convenient Canadian flag from the “eat more protein” panel?)
In Comic 2.1 - Moved In, it seems as though Bitty is taking a shower in Jack and Shitty’s bathroom–which would probably give extra explanation to Jack’s annoyance. That’s actually a mistake? I totally forgot that the shower in Bitty, Ransom, and Holster’s bathroom doesn’t have a curtain–but you know, maybe now that mistake is just canon.
Anytime Bitty tweets about Shitty being on the roof, he’s referring to the unofficial Samwell Men’s Hockey Reading Room–which is basically a lawn chair on the roof over the porch. Which you first see alllllll the way back in Comic 1.4 - The Haus and then again in Comic 1.22 - Goodbye for the Summer.
Shitty and Jack’s rooms are connected which is an important part of their friendship.