Posted August 21, 2014 at 12:22 pm

A message from weve-never-been-alive

Okay, I got this idea at like 5AM and it's kept me awake so it needs to be down so my mind can calm it. Was Jack one of those chubby kids that didn't get hot until after high school and that's why he's still awkward? Because he's trying to figure out how to be hot!Jack and not awkward shy fat!Jack and it's not really working. (Soz Jack. I love you.)

Jack Zimmermann was one of those chubby kids but then puberty hit him like a brick wall and then EVERYONE GOT REALLY CONFUSED. 

Jack’s dad was a professional hockey player and Jack’s mom was an actress/model. (More on this later!)  So when Jack came out of the womb and looked...well...

...awkward people were genuinely worried. 

But then he got his dad’s ass and his mother’s cheekbones and the entire nation of Canada breathed a sigh of relief.